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Thematic priority of my artistic involvement is to act colletively, in a collective setting wtihin art as well as in ohter social and political aspects. I considemy own art work as involvement in collectives.

Thus the role of an artisit is no longer to send a isolated and completed image into the world or to determine all alone the form and the expression. The function is show awarensess of communication instead of a sense of mission.

The purpose is to pool energies and to develop something collectively and at eye-level in order to find a form and a expression. It is necessary to create a context within the group where everyone  is at equal level and can contribute one’s skills to involve the personal resources of everybody. Every single one has a rich context of wisdom, experience and skills. Working collectively functions exceptionelly well if all participants get the possibility to contribute their concerns and to unfold.

The artistic appraoch rises questions of meaning for society, the voice of everyone and how free access and social participation can be generated.

wird das so passen (2)
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