Munich Obersendling
Habibi Dome - POP UP Structure
In Obersendling Habibi Dome serves as a modular, spatial (triangular) structure, as a flexible construction. The temporary “pop up” structure is meeting point, platform for workshops and events, as well as a temporary concert hall to provide a possibility to get in exchange – regardless any assumed borders.
Therefore already conception and building take place in an intercultural team consisting of students from the Wittelsbacher Gymnasium (high school) and residents of a so-called accommodation for refugees in Obersendling. Young people recently arrived at Munich and young people grown up in Munich work together – and in doing so, get to know and look into each other´s realities of life in order to reduce prejudice and fears.
The project is realised in the open workshop ‘werkraum’ of the Hans Sauer Foundation, located directly in the accommodation.
The collaborative process is intended to be accessible for all participants and happens at eye level. It questions who can access education and social participation and who not – and how this accessibility can be provided for as many parts of society as possible.
And after the teamwork during the building phase the resulting temporary spatial structure gives rise to meet and to get to know each other between people who arrived recently in Munich as refugees and Munich residents.
This time the function as a platform is essential - where it appears and what happens in it:
The pop up structure opened for the first time at „Obersendlinger Freiraum Sommer“
located in close vicinity to the accommodation, where people fleeing their home countires, now in Munich live. This proximity of time and place enables all participants to identify highly with the project. It is „their“ room, „their“ structure that they built together with the students. Now they contribute this project to the Freiraum Sommer. They can invite visitors, act independently and offer their own program. This is also a way to get in touch with people from the neighborhood in Obersendling.
Later the pop up structure will appear in the MaximilianForum, as a central spot for concerts, workshops, talks and discussions.
A project funded by Kultuturreferat München (Culture Department of the City Munich) in cooperation with MaximilianForum Munich and werkraum der Hans Sauer Foundation.